What is Tilara Acrylic sheet and where to use it?
If we look into the history of acrylic glass, it was produced in 1936 for commercial use. As glass is not safe and heavy, acrylic sheets were used in aircraft and submarine windshields, canopies, etc.
Acrylic sheet is used for interior decor, packaging, signage, display, lighting and many such applications. One can find a variety of acrylic sheets with different colors, transparency and textures available in the market. They are a kind of plastic sheet and used as a replacement for glass as well.
What is Tilara Acrylic Sheet?
Tilara Acrylic Sheet is similar to acrylic sheet with few added advantages. It has the following added advantages over normal acrylic sheets. Made with precision and passed standard quality tests by the government authorities it is produced in an environment where quality is the utmost priority.
✓ After a few years of applying regular acrylic sheets available in the market, the colour fades away and white color panels become yellow or pale yellow. However, Tilara Acrylic Sheet maintains its colour for a longer period of time.
✓ Tilara Acrylic Sheet can be custom ordered as per the colour or texture your requirements. The manufacturer will also send you cut-to-size panels on demand. You just have to make sure to order the minimum quantity required by the manufacturer of Tilara Acrylic Sheets.
✓ The chemical bonding and manufacturing process of Tilara Acrylic Sheets makes it almost scratch resistant compared to normal acrylic sheets.
Where to use Tilara Acrylic Sheet?
Tilara Acrylic Sheet has the same applications as normal acrylic sheets. The difference is that Tilara Sheets are durable and are made of good quality. One can check the features in the link - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/extruded-acrylic-sheet.html. Following are a few examples of it’s applications.
To make beautiful furniture:
Signage making:
For the store display:
Importers, suppliers, wholesale or retail distributors of plastic sheets or building materials can order or enquire about Tilara Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheets in any of the following ways.
E-mail: export@tilarapolyplast.com
Contact number: 91-96011-11155
Website: https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/tilara-polyplast-pvt-ltd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tilarapolyplast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tilarapolyplast?lang=en
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