Ways to protect civilians, leaders and military during war conflict
What will be your steps for protection if enemies launch a massive attack in your city or there's a situation of war?
Recently, the world has seen that Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022. The targeted areas were residential populations like Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine. Civilians who are not equipped with arms and ammunition required to protect themselves from armed attacks. This was just one example. There are many places in the world where the situation is ongoing. Take example of war between Israel and Syria, Afghanistan-Pakistan-India or Afar-Somali, Israel-Palestine, Ethiopia-Sudan, and there are many small clashes between two countries all over the world. If some experts are to be believed then this may be the start of World War 3 (WW3).
It's time to be prepared to save civilians, leaders as well as soldiers and to protect from the armed forces.
What are the possible ways?
1. Bomb Resistant Hi-tech Bunkers:
Bomb Resistant Hi-tech Bunkers (BRHB) are the bunkers where civilians, soldiers or leaders can hide during war. These bunkers are called hi-tech bunkers because of the facilities they have inside them. Hi-tech bunkers have Tilara Polycarbonate Panel Screens installed inside them which are connected with the computer system and internet. So, the people can get the news and updates about what's happening outside.
The bunkers have installed a skylight made from Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets so people inside can have a view of the outside.
Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets are extremely impact resistant and can sustain any ballistics. So, even huge bomb explosion can't make much impact to the people inside the bunker.
2. Bullet-proof Body Armour:
Any military forces require protective equipment while fighting or to be safe from heavy armoured attacks.
Body Armour made from Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets cover the human body and resist bullets as well as fire armed attacks.
3. Military Combat Shields:
Military Combat Shields made from Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets are very important for the army or soldiers for the protection. Impact resistant material of Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets help them to save from any forced attacks.
All these equipment require special material made with precision engineering. Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets are high impact resistant and strong material which can sustain any ballastic or heavy armored attacks.
In the video you can see how it protects you and also other applications it's used for - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOft8gu1KEY
Here in the link you can find more details about the material and it's specifications - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/polycarbonate-solid-sheet-and-roll.html