Wait! Do you use the right building material for your project? Here's the checklist.
Regardless of your profession - architect, builder, contractor, interior designer or just another homeowner who wants to build their own house, you need to check on the building material before you start your project. No, quality is not the only parameter. Here's the checklist you should go through apart from quality.
1. Is the material durable?
Even though the building material you use is of good quality, it might not be durable for a longer period of time. For example, glass is an all time favorite material used in windows, facade and other places as glazing material but it's breakable. Using Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets instead is durable, cost saving, convenient and modern.
2. Is it safe?
Safety comes first. It is better to avoid materials which are not safe. You can use alternative building material or can make them safe with some treatments. For example, if aluminum is a corrosive material. Using aluminium pipe or any other way may harm people. So, what can you do to be safe?
I. You can apply protective coating.
Ii. Use alternative materials. E.g. use PVC pipe instead of aluminium pipe.
Iii. Use high-grade materials.
Whatever you build if it’s not safe for the users or workers it will tarnish your image and ruin your business.
3. Will it save your time and cost?
Before starting any project, if you don’t do your math properly it can cost you a lot. It is very important for any builder, contractor or homeowner to save as much cost as possible. While convenient to apply or install the material can save the time and eventually cost of the project.
Again, let’s take examples of glass and Tilara Polycarbonate or Tilara Acrylic Sheet. As glass is heavy and breakable material, it should be handled with care. It’s also a time consuming process to install glass. While Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet is easy to fabricate and can be installed quickly.
4. Is it the right fit for the design?
Every project designed by an architect or interior designer is based on multiple aspects. Particular materials are used in some regions that signifies the values of that culture or region. For example, North American houses are designed to use wood to build their homes while European homes architecture use masonry. This is because North America has large forests while the wood prices in Europe are very much higher.
On the other hand rustic houses designed by interior designers use more stones and wood, however modern designs require plastic sheets, Tilara polycarbonate compact sheets, etc. as building material for any projects.
5. Is it easily available?
If the building material suggested by an architect or interior designer is not available near you, it may not be the right material to use for your project. Importing or ordering the material from other places adds cost and time. If it fits into the project budget or has enough time then it is okay to go for that material otherwise you can choose building material which is easily available in the local market.
For building materials like Tilara Polycarbonate Compact Sheet, Tilara Acrylic or GPPS Sheet, you can ask local suppliers or just contact on https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/contacts.html