Polycarbonate sheet domes and cabins for hotels and tourism industry
Along with best hospitality and services, hotels and resorts need to focus on the look and feel of the property. Yesterday’s luxury is today’s norm. Take business stay, events or leisure and holidays, your property needs to look fantastic. Also, today so much innovation has come into the industry that attracts people’s attention.
In this blog we’ll discuss new trends in the interior and exterior designs of the hotel and resorts using polycarbonate sheets.
Polycarbonate Domes:
Polycarbonate Domes are igloo-like transparent domes which can accommodate 2 persons or a small group of people inside it. These domes are easily movable and kept in the garden of the hotel or resorts. Since they are easily movable it can be kept outdoors to enjoy the beauty like desserts, middle of the river (on the boat), etc. People hire such domes to celebrate events like valentine’s day, anniversary, etc.
Polycarbonate Cabin:
These transparent cabin type holiday homes are in the bucket list of so many people. Hotels offering this kind of transparent cabin rooms made of polycarbonate sheet panels make the tourists enjoy clear view of mountains, sea or natural places.
Spa Section:
Today, almost all the hotels have spa offerings. Spa sections made of polycarbonate sheet dividers or walls make these spa sections look more elegant and uber-cool.
Imagine getting spa service with a spectacular view of nature. Polycarbonate skylight installed in the spa area can make the dream come true of your customers.
For more details about polycarbonate and acrylic sheets for such domes, cabins or spa section designs visit www.tilarapolyplast.com.