How our polycarbonate sheet helps in cattle care for farmers and dairies.
Polycarbonate sheet is used for many applications. Polycarbonate roofing is one of the most popular applications amongst them. In this article, let's find out how polycarbonate sheets are helpful in cattle or livestock care.
If you have a cattle then you must know what it takes and how much hard work it is. Cattle or livestock is an asset you have and you have to maintain it very well. It is very important to take your cows, buffaloes, sheeps or any other livestock out on pasture. It's equally important to build proper shelter for them where they spend their rest of the time. Like humans go to work and come back home, your cattle also do. Building a shelter with a polycarbonate sheet is the best way to keep your livestock safe.
Build safe shelter for your cattle with Polycarbonate Sheet from Tilara:
Polycarbonate sheet roof allows good rays from the sun and stops harmful UV rays from passing through. Good rays are vital for animals like cows, buffaloes, sheeps, etc. as they produce Vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D3 is one of the vital nutrients your cattle require, especially cows. When they are at the pasture and under exposure to the sun their body produces vitamin D3. But, spending more than enough time under exposure to the sun causes sunburn. Harmful UV (Ultraviolet) rays from the sun can harm cattle skin. Sunburn induces liver and skin diseases in animals. It also causes pigmentation of skin. This results not only in the health deterioration of animals but also negativity affects production from them. So, after the pasturing, when they come back to the paddock they should be kept in natural light but not be exposed to UV rays that sun produces.
The only way to keep your livestock away from harmful UV rays from the sun is to build a shelter with UV protected panels (Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet).
There are various types of polycarbonate sheets available from the manufacturer including corrugated polycarbonate sheet, solid and multiwall polycarbonate sheet. It's also available in a variety of textures and colors. Any supplier or importer can get details and quote from the link - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/gpps-sheets-embossed-sheets-light-diffusive-sheets.html or by contacting - 91-93167-52377 / 91-96011-11155.